High School
Essay’s from Barbara Goleman and MDC
On July 14th, 2016, I picked up a video camera and filmed myself saying the words I would then echo for months to come, “Good morning everybody.”
Everyday Use
This short story is bubbling with detailed characters and character development.
A Jury of Her Peers
A Jury of Her Peers emphasizes the boundary between the male and female genders.
The Catcher in the Rye
Trauma, losing your innocence too quickly, and the uncertainty of the future.
Having a Coke with You
With young love comes two emotionally unstable teenagers unable to form a full thought without getting on top of eachother.
What Lips my Lips Have Kissed
She is a tree, her lovers are ghosts, and her happiness changes as the seasons.
Hi I’m Bubba
Bubba: No no, none of that jibber-jabber doodly-doo squat. Do you not remember the first rule, bacon is good, fruit is bad.